Millie's Mark Accredited
We are Millie’s Mark accredited, the gold standard for paediatric first aid in early years.
We are recognised and accredited by the Millie’s Mark Millie's Mark - Delivered by NDNA on behalf of Millie's Trust. NDNA is National Day Nurseries Association.
Millie’s Mark provides reassurance to parents that all childcare practitioners at their child's nursery are paediatric first aid trained and competent. As a parent, placing your child in a setting that is endorsed with Millie’s Mark provides reassurance that all childcare practitioners know what to do in a paediatric first aid situation. It acknowledges that children’s safety is at the forefront of the provider's mind when they care for your child.
We have demonstrated that we are going above and beyond minimum requirements by having 100% of staff trained in paediatric first aid, and also ensuring that everything learned during the course is kept alive and in the forefront of practitioners’ minds so that they are confident, ready and capable.
You can locate our profile at the Millie’s Mark’s official website at https://www.milliesmark.com/endorsed-nurseries.
This accreditation acknowledges that children’s safety is at the forefront of our mind when we care for children.