Our Team
All members of the team are carefully screened and vetted and have a full DBS (Disclosure Barring Service) and all our staff have a current Paediatric First Aid qualification in each of our rooms as part of our commitment to obtaining the Millie Mark Accreditation. If a Staff's Paediatric First Aid qualification is expired or not there at the time of hiring then the same is planned for on priority to be achieved in 3 months at the latest.
Staff training is a high priority at the nursery. Each member of staff undergoes an in-depth induction programme during their first six months with us, covering our policies and procedures, our key worker system and the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Each staff member has a personal training plan and an annual appraisal and performance assessment. Our staff are supported, motivated and appreciated.
We are hiring for Bexleyheath
Please see the Join Our Team Page for details of openings.
Please email: info@superstartnurseries.co.uk with your contact details and qualifications.