Forest School
We would be visiting open areas and nature reserves on bus where possible. The children would be able to do the forest school sessions outdoors in all weather.

Millie's Mark Accredited
We are Millie’s Mark accredited, the gold standard for paediatric first aid in early years. We are recognised and accredited by the Millie’s Mark Millie's Mark - Delivered by NDNA on behalf of Millie's Trust. NDNA is National Day Nurseries Association. Millie’s Mark provides reassurance to parents...
Childcare Service for Children Aged 3 Months to 5 Years of Age - Pickford, Bexleyheath
Choosing The Pickford Nursery - The Process

Fill out an application from
You've seen us and you are interested. It all starts with filling out our application, a very straight-forward and easy process.

Settling in day
Once your application has been received, we invite you for a settling in day with your baby. You get to meet the team and get a feel for our environment.

Decision making time
So you have done the settling in sessions but you still have more questions? You can come in and discuss with us. We are more than happy to help.

Happy parents, happy children
Yay! You've made the decision to join The Pickford Nursery. We sure are as excited as you are and so is your baby. They will love it here.